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TOP 40 Engaging Video Content Ideas for Your Creative Business (part 1)

“When I discovered YouTube, I didn’t work for 5 days.” - Michael Scott
Video platforms like YouTube (and more recently, Periscope) are easily the world’s greatest time-wasters. We’ve all been guilty of losing track of time on YouTube at least once, because videos are easily consumable, very addicting, and highly entertaining.
As a matter of fact, studies show that a whopping 78% of us watch videos online every week and 55% watch videos online every day.
Which is why Youtube is also the world’s greatest overnight-success-maker. If you’re on the production-side of a video and you’ve come up with a clever idea, you might just have a viral hit on your hands.
Video holds a lot of potential for interaction, engagement, and shares for creative businesses. And for that reason, it’s one of the best visual marketing tools you can use.
But it producing videos can be a little overwhelming, can’t it? Even with helpful video tools out there like Animoto, many of us struggle to come up with simple ideas for video content that would appeal to our audience. 
And that’s where this post comes in. I’ve rounded up 40 easy, engaging video content ideas to help get your creative gears turning. My hope is that you’ll find a few ideas to implement and as a result, bring your business more exposure.

1  |  Share a big announcement
Do you have exciting news to share with your audience? Instead of sharing it in a tweet or graphic, announce it in a short video and share it on social media.
2  |  Produce a parody
If you can come up with a clever spin-off of a popular music video or movie clip, you’re set. People love creative twists on new, relevant topics, so use that to your business’s advantage. If you do go this route, be sure to act quickly and strike while the trend is still hot.
3  |  Film a customer testimonial
Take your customer feedback out of quotations and produce a quick interview. Not only is this much more engaging, but a firsthand testimonial is also much more personable and relatable.
4  |  Walk through a how-to
Actions speak louder than words. Use a video to show your audience how to do something in a video rather than telling them how to do something.
5  |  Host a Q+A
Have your audience ask you questions and answer them in a video. This works especially well on live-streaming platforms like Periscope or in webinars. 
6  |  Provide a behind-the-scenes look
There’s something in all of us that loves getting the inside scoop. Whether you have a new product in the works or you’re in the middle of a new product, invite your audience behind-the-scenes for an exclusive look.
7  |  Share the making of your product
Create a video to show the making of your product over time and all the steps that went into it. If you offer a service, you might show clips of your process and share the final result.
8  |  Create a stop-motion video
People usually think of incredibly involved, over-the-top ideas when they think of stop-motion videos, but they don’t have to be all that complicated. Take quick photos of something in action and compile them together in a video creator like Animoto to achieve that same stop-motion effect. 
9  |  Demonstrate unique product uses (or how not to use your product)
Instead of sharing a typical product demo or how-to, consider making your video a little more entertaining by showing people what not to do.
10  |  Introduce your employees
Do you work with a team of people? Humanize your business and make it more personable by introducing your audience to the people behind it. Have them answer some fun questions or tell a story.


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